Today we released the first version of Habbowidgets.com!
It started out as version 3 of Habbies.nl, then after a while it had became Habbowidgets but was still relying on the old Habbo website.
In october 2015 a lot of hotels converted to 'Habbo Web 2015' rendering the old methods of Habbies and Habbowidgets obsolete.
The need for the brand new Habbowidgets.com was born.
Since we noticed on Habbies that a lot of Habbos actively use the widgets, we felt it was the right moment to release Habbowidgets.com.
The Habinfo system, the core behind the widgets, is in such a state that we think it deserves to go into public beta.
Clearly we don't have enough widgets yet, but these can all be created after the fact. In fact, most widgets won't be optimal until we have a bunch of Habbos in the
One of the first widgets to come is the Badge Top 50.
So without further ado, welcome to Habbowidgets, start out with finding your own Habbo in the Habinfo system and enjoy your stay!