Habbowidgets is a Habbo fansite that lets you easily look through all your Habbo information and those of your friends.
Through the use of our Habinfo system we are able to store data from your Habbo Profile, for this we are using the public Habbo API, the same one that Habbo uses for their profiles.
A widget is what we like to call a page of information or a page with a small little tool, that can give you extra information.
For example our Birthday page. This will list all the Habbos who are celebrating their Habbo birthday on this day.
So while the Habinfo system gathers the raw data needed, the widgets will show you amazing things and can become rather creative.
What about a "Show me all Habbos with baconhair" widget or a "Who send the most presents?" widget.
At the moment you can contact us through our Twitter channel: @habbowidgets.
The translations on Habbowidgets are done by the community. If you want to help out you can check out the habbowidgets-translation project.
We'd like to thank the following Habbos:
Because there is no way to query Habbo search results directly we have to rely on our Habinfo system to gather data.
The system works well, but has to be filled by Habbos like you. Searching for Habbos will help the site a lot.
If we don't have a Habbo in our system, we won't know if they're supposed to show up in widgets. So if you know of someone who deserves to be in the Badge Top 250 or who has a unique badge for example, try adding them!
These are some of the limitations:
pages and the open source
HabboAPI PHP wrapper.
you will be
redirected to the Habbo and hotel you requested.
and https://www.habbowidgets.com/habinfo/com.tr/istanbul
compared to ACH_MonsterPlantBreeder1
(and as such get more points for the first one); we count like this for every Habbo, nulling the fact that some achievements are more difficult.
items, but if you know the clothing code you can change the URL.
For items without names, we just show their clothing code.
. This page will be refreshed every 1 hour
If you see a Habbo not wearing the clothing item you're viewing, it means they have updated their look since the last time we searched them.
Open their Profile to see changes ;)