



Last change:

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Achievements top 250: # N/A (16)
Badge top 250: # N/A (17)
Unique badge top 50: # N/A (0)
Star Gems top 250: # N/A (0)
Habbo White House

Habbo White House

Tea Time in the Japanese Temple

Tea Time in the Japanese Temple

Poseidon's Pearl

Poseidon's Pearl


Badges (17)

Looks that kill I
True you
65 % True Habbo XIII
Room raider I
Magic Lamp
Tea Time in the Japanese Temple
Habbo White House
Heavy Rain
Ancient Relic
Poseidon's Pearl
Zoological Eden
Guess the Furni Line Champion
This duckie loves fasionable rooms
Hairaru's glasses
They're bacccck! Ditch the Label  and Habbo
Golden Glasses