



Last change:

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Achievements top 250: # N/A (27)
Badge top 250: # N/A (11)
Unique badge top 50: # N/A (0)
Star Gems top 250: # N/A (0)
Online time IV - Blizzard

Online time IV - Blizzard

For spending 180 minutes in the Hotel.

Room raider III

Room raider III

For 45 room visits. Backpacker.

Blades of glory III

Blades of glory III

For getting tagged 9 times while ice skating.

Snowflake collector IV

Snowflake collector IV

For 3 Snowflake quests completed on this level.

Ice ice baby VII

Ice ice baby VII

For ice skating for 121 minutes.


Badges (11)

Online time IV - Blizzard
Looks that kill I
5 words of wisdom I
Master of Words I
Habbo Name
True Habbo
Respected Habbo I
Room raider III
Blades of glory III
Ice ice baby VII
Snowflake collector IV

Rooms (1)




Rating: 4 Maximum visitors: 50
Room created: 10 December 2010 at 06:18:11

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