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VIP at the VMAs

VIP at the VMAs

Celebrate the VMAs with Habbox!

HabboQuests' Roald Dahl Adventure

HabboQuests' Roald Dahl Adventure

A little magic can take you a long way.

If you go into the spooky forest...

If you go into the spooky forest...

...you'd better not go alone.

For solving a love fight!

For solving a love fight!

Habbo Party Boat Reality series

Habbox Shakespeare's Birthday Event 2016

Habbox Shakespeare's Birthday Event 2016

Et tu, Brute?


Badges (5)

If you go into the spooky forest...
For solving a love fight!
Habbox Shakespeare's Birthday Event 2016
HabboQuests' Roald Dahl Adventure
VIP at the VMAs

Friends (1)

Vlodge Vlodge
28 May 2018
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