


>_> He did it :D

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Closed profile

Battle Ball player XVI

Battle Ball player XVI

For gaining 242965 participation points in Battle Banzai.

30 % True Habbo VI

30 % True Habbo VI

For being a member of the community for 56 days.

Blades of glory XIV

Blades of glory XIV

For getting tagged 402 times while ice skating.

Winning team XIV

Winning team XIV

For gaining 136230 victory points in Battle Banzai and Freeze.

Battle Banzai winner XV

Battle Banzai winner XV

For gaining 128415 victory points at Battle Banzai


Badges (5)

Battle Ball player XVI
Battle Banzai winner XV
Winning team XIV
30 % True Habbo VI
Blades of glory XIV

Friends (0)


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