



Last change:

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Achievements top 250: # N/A (29)
Badge top 250: # N/A (11)
Unique badge top 50: # N/A (0)
Star Gems top 250: # N/A (0)
True you

True you

For verifying your email address. Thanks!

Habbo Name

Habbo Name

Thanks for selecting your Habbo name after registering.

Looks that kill I

Looks that kill I

For changing your look for the first time.



For being aware of ignore option

Battle Ball player III

Battle Ball player III

For gaining 240 participation points in Battle Banzai.


Badges (11)

Online time II - Drizzle
Looks that kill I
Battle Ball player III
True you
Habbo Name
55 % True Habbo XI
Builders' Club designer I
Room raider II
Skateboard jumper III
Skateboard slider III