


Choong999's Booster Bot

Last change:

Closed profile

Previous looks..

Choong99 Choong99
Why did MOD-Davju host an event for us?

Why did MOD-Davju host an event for us?

...because he's a fungi!

Tour de France Challenge

Tour de France Challenge

HabboTreasure Community Challenge

HabboTreasure Community Challenge

I voted for Justin Bieber and I won!

For having Socks in Flip Flops in your closet

For having Socks in Flip Flops in your closet

Intrepid Pirate

Intrepid Pirate

I joined the Pirates Ranks


Badges (5)

For having Socks in Flip Flops in your closet
Intrepid Pirate
HabboTreasure Community Challenge
Tour de France Challenge
Why did MOD-Davju host an event for us?