



Last change:

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Achievements top 250: # N/A (152)
Badge top 250: # N/A (50)
Unique badge top 50: # N/A (0)
Star Gems top 250: # N/A (0)
International Cats Day

International Cats Day

Celebrating cats with HFFM and HabbCrazy

You know everything you need to know to defeat the Four Horsemen

You know everything you need to know to defeat the Four Horsemen

Habbocalypse 2015

DTL Exclusive Video Screening

DTL Exclusive Video Screening

Thanks for attending the Strong Screening Event

HabboQuests' Talk Like a Pirate Day

HabboQuests' Talk Like a Pirate Day

Fer talkin' like a pirate and winnin' t' badge!

Gnome Invasion: Annhililating gnomes in Africa part 2!

Gnome Invasion: Annhililating gnomes in Africa part 2!

You've kicked gnome-butt in Africa again!


Badges (50)

Online time X - F5 Tornado
Looks that kill I
Battle Ball player VII
Lord of the tiles VII
Battle Banzai winner III
Photographer II - Home album
Habbo citizen
True you
Ice kicking III
Soccer scorer V
Socializer III
Winning team III
Nice one I
Greet me I
Habbo Way
Horse jumping IV
Resident II - Guest
Habbo Name
Animal trainer I
Can I keep him? II
Pet lover V
How cute IV
Piñata whacker III
50 % True Habbo X
Respected Habbo III
Nice as pie! III
Room builder IX
Furni collector VI
Room host VIII
Room raider VII
Level I Safety tips
Chat Flood Filter
Chat Hearing Range
Chat Scroll Speed
Door mode
Disable Room Blocking
Skateboard jumper XIII
Skateboard slider XI
Ice ice baby II
You know everything you need to know to defeat the Four Horsemen
Gnome Invasion: Annhililating gnomes in Africa!
HiPad Early Adopter
1 Million downloads
Gnome Invasion: Annhililating gnomes in Africa part 2!
International Cats Day
DTL Exclusive Video Screening
HabboQuests' Talk Like a Pirate Day

Friends (0)


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Rooms (2)

| angel |

| angel |


Rating: 2 Maximum visitors: 25
Room created: 3 October 2015 at 11:15:18

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| cutie af pets |

| cutie af pets |


Rating: 1 Maximum visitors: 25
Room created: 9 August 2015 at 01:24:27

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